yes it is a Bow Master Dragon Nest with sea dragon lagend armor but the truth is the armor just epic ones. yep i'm just renaming some file (set sea dragon legend armor) to epic armor. so, it'll look like at the pict.
so, how to do that? what? modding? rename?? how i??
but i think we need some 'wares' to make it happen, yup there are some kind of extractor of .pak file and re-.pak-ing again. this is the problem, so?? you need to download that wares first... visit this --- forum --- to find the wares or another sites, all up to you.
yow, after you download all we need and read some f*ckin tutorial we can start this simple and newbie level about modding dragon nest things lol.
then, extract resource 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, after that search kind of the thing we want to mod. in this case, we modding armor thing.. so, go ahaed to char folder then class, and part folder (x:....\resource\char\player\archer\parts)
then locate the .skn file (in this case: ar_seadragon_legend_body.skn and others like glove, shoes, helmet, etc) after you found that file just copy and paste it to another folder (or on your dekstop, up to you)
so, now you can renaming set of sea dragon armor to the epic ones (ar_epic01_body.skn or ar_rare01_body.skn) after you renamed all the file we need, copy and paste again to x:....\modding tools\DN Mod Tools\DN Mods Packer\resource then open DN Mods Packer.exe and click the left box of option..
yohooo, finish..
after all done, copy paste the new .pak file (you need to rename a file from default name. ex:from resource01-default.pak to resource01-my_mod_ass.pak) then paste to your game folder. done. open the game..
see how is it going, is that success or fail lol.
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